Thursday, December 16, 2010

Decorating for Christmas

This year for Christmas we did the decorating a bit different.
Marshall's mom got all the ornaments out that she wanted to use-plus some.
She would have put every single one on the tree if she could have. :)

First we started with decorating the big tree, in the living room

Then Marshall and I went to our room to put up our decorations.

Our little tree

You really can't see it all that well, but we even put up
some lights around both doors to our room.
Ain't she a beauty, just sitting there in our little Christmas corner.

With some of the presents under her already.

The best pic I could get out him that day. He just wasn't having it

me, after all the decorating is done


Thanksgiving for us was really no different day.
The only difference was that we had tons more food,
and that we all actually ate as a family.
Marshall was nice enough to use his expert skills of cooking
and cook the whole meal for us.

here he is making the pecan pie.

Checking on the turkey
mmm. looks and smells so good

yes, even the puppies had their own plates

Missy afterwards, she didn't want to do anything but sleep

Marshall and His Mom

Just thought that I would post some of my favorite pics of Marshall with his mom.
Here they are on the fourth of july
leaving walmart-begining of August
just after Thanksgiving
we just got done putting up the tree and decorations
Dec. 12, 2010
Its hard to believe that she keeps shrinking, little by little.
And that she can hardly talk anymore.
When we first got here, we would have full blown conversations
all the time. Now its all she can do to say a few words here and there.
We still love her very much though, and we try to show her all the time.

Surgery 9/27/2010

I know, it's been way too long since the last time I blogged. So lets play a little game of catching up.
Lets see, Sept 27th I had my knee surgery. OUCH! Surgery wasn't really that bad. It didn't take as long as they thought it was going to, so that was good. Waking up was hard for me. I got really sick and couldn't stop throwing up for a while. After they finally released me, I ended up just going to sleep on the way home-helped with being sick, just slept through it all.:)

I was in physical therapy two days later, barely able to walk. But they had to do the first bangage changing. And yes I did cry like a little baby on my first visit. It hurt pretty bad.

Things progressed at a nice rate for quite a while. Then we decided to try and throw in some water therapy. Not a good idea. My knee absolutely hated it. Now I have had to back down off of some of the exercised I was doing, and I am in more pain again. GRRR! I am slowly, and I mean very slowly, starting to progress a bit again. I am mostly just irritated that I'm not healed up yet. I hate not being able to do the things that I need to. I hate not being to walk for long distances. I just plain ol hate being in pain all the time. Especially when it keeps me up all night.
I went and saw my doctor again yesterday, and because of the water set back, and still being in so much pain, he decided to do a cortisone shot. It really wasn't that bad, the nurse had numbed quite a bit, the initial stick with the needle burned a bit, then some more burning when she started pushing the fluid through the needle. I was still pretty numb for a while afterwards, but of course still had the achiness. It wasn't till a few hours later, after the lidocaine had worn off some, that I was in lot of pain, ahhh, so not what I wanted. It was harder for me to get around again. But as the time passed, and the steroids could start kicking in, I started having less and less pain or achiness. Today there really isn't that much pain, still a bit achy, but not quite as much as there was before. So, for now I am kinda liking the shot. Lets just hope that it will continue to work and take most of the pain away.