Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Eve

New Years Eve was kind of a bust for us.
We didn't have anything planned, or really even do anything.
We did our 'norm', which consisted of,
sitting around watching t.v., playing games,
helping each other out in the kitchen,
and of course, tourturing eachother. ☺
We did have a good time though, in our own little way.
We stayed up til midnight-even though we were
exausted and practically falling asleep.
while we were waiting for the new year to make its appearance,
we watched many episodes of 'The Twilight Zone'.
Oh my gosh, I love that show. It is so funny, yet kinda spooky at the same time.
Once the ball fell, and the clock struck midnight,
we very quickly turned everything off and went to bed.
As for new years resolutions, eh, we have a couple.
The typical lose some weight, eat healthier, blah blah blah.
Whats the point of new years resolution?
I mean, we all know that they are never kept.
But here is my resolution that I will keep:
I promise that I will not change,
I will continue to be myself in all that I do no matter what.
If I lose some weight than great, if not, whats new!?!?!
Anywho, I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and hope that
the new year will bring much happiness to everyone...


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