Being able to drive to the ocean in an hour and a half

Our FedEx man-this is the only pic I have that represents Gary

Watching Gemia multi-task

Being able to tease Ansley about pulling out her loose teeth

Chasing Miranda all around the house

Listening to Ellies contagious laugh and her little way of saying our names

But most of all, being able to drive around the corner and visit with my boys
and to decorate the headstone for hollidays, especially birthdays.
But its even harder not having him here to hold and kiss, and squeeze tightly
to wish him a happy birthday. I know that he where he is needed, and
doing what he is meant to do, Its just hard on days like today
to not have him around. To be able to see what kind trouble he
would be getting into, what he would look like,
if he would have my personality or Marshalls.
I love my little guy, no matter what, I know that he is well taken care of
and that he is having a blast with Heavenly Father.
And probably torturing his little brother while he is at it.
I love you with all my heart Logan. You will always be my baby boy.